Kuala Lumpur Signboard Company
Before proceed to signboard making project, we have our professional sale representatives and sign consultants to assist you to discuss and plan your desire design of signboard. Planning is an important step when you have any idea to be achieved since well planning the steps of making signboard thereby the signboard can be done in an efficient way. And we will also listen to customers requirement before we start to plan the process of making signboard. Without listening to customers requirement, we will not know what kind of signboard customers prefer so that we will listen to customers patiently. The following step is to evaluate the planning of the signboard project that we have discussed. The basic step started by reviewing site planning and landscaping, discussing positioning and colors needed in this making process. We have to know where customers want to put the signboard as well as what size of signboard they need so that we have to review the site and landscaping before proceeding to another step.
After that, we will estimate the time needed to design the signboard's draft based on customers requirement and needs by using the advance software Adobe Photoshop. After we have done to design the draft we will send to our customers for final checking. If customers still not satisfy with our design, we will modify it until fulfill customers needs. In addition, we will estimate the cost of the production to match your budget for the signboard since we have planned the making process well. We promise that we will provide you the reasonable price and will not let you out of budget. We will do our best to provide customers premium service to meet their needs and expectation.
After these steps, we have various types of materials to let you choose to create your signboard. For example, EG steel, Aluminium, Stainless steel, and Acrylic material. Different materials will present different texture so that you have to choose it based on your preferences. EG Steel is a Standard Commercial Quality Electro Galvanized Steel Sheet which has been electrolytically zinc coated in coils by modern methods. The electrogalvanizing process is often referred to as zinc electroplated or zinc coated. Its zinc coating is so completely bonded to the base metal that it will not flake or peel under the most severe forming or drawing operations. Aluminium is remarkable for its low density and its ability to resist corrosion through the phenomenon of passivation. Whereas, stainless steel is notable for its corrosion resistance, and it is widely used for food handling, cutlery, and signboard among many other applications. Acrylic is a kind of plastic, fabric, fiber, or paint which is made from acrylic acid.
Design process is a systematic problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, which used to develop many possible solutions to solve or satisfy human needs or wants and to narrow down the possible solutions to one final choice. Once we have a better insight of your business location and landscaping, we will move on to design your signboard or signage. Designers play an important role in designing the signboard so few professional designers are hired by us. Those designers are graduated from Top Design University in Malaysia as well as they have gone through many training which provided by our company. Designers will assist you to design a personalize signboard. You may also customize your signboard by telling your requirement to our designers thereby designers can create the signboard which fulfill your needs.
Designing a signboard is a very important stage before proceed to the production. Designers should focus on the design of signboard as well as the the type of effect which can be added onto signboard such as LED and Neon tube light. The appearance as well as the surface of a signboard is the main key in attracting the customer's attention toward your business brand. We are using the advance software Adobe Photoshop in designing the signboard because it is the best software in designing. In addition, We are using the finest grade of material, latest manufacture technology to produce the high quality of the signboard. In order to ensure the quality assurance of the production, we have hired skillful and competent workers to manage in the production line of the signboard. We will do our best to fulfill your needs and requirement since we knew that a well-designed of a signboard is very important to a company's image as well.
Designing a signage or signboard is the main key to the success of advertising a business in Malaysia. Designers must identify the needs of customers thereby create a design which meet customers expectations. Designers should also do some research regarding what kind of design is suit for customers business. Designers should not only create one design template, they should prepare alternate designs in case customers not satisfy with the first option. We will modify the design until customers satisfy with it. In addition, we will communicate or send the design template options with customers through email or What-apps. Customers are allowed to come over our company to select the final template if they do not have any account for both social media like email or What-apps.
The step after we have confirmed the final design with the customers is fabrication. Fabrication is the process of manufacturing the signboard which means it is the last process of signboard making. Fabrication means the action or process of manufacturing or inventing signboard or signage which also known as the manufacturing process in which an item is fabricated from raw or semi-finished materials instead of being assembled from ready-made components or parts. Before proceeding to fabrication process, we will reconfirm with customers what kind of materials they prefer in making the signboard in order to avoid any mistake or misunderstanding of customers needs. There are various types of materials to let customers to choose from. For example, EG steel, Aluminium, Stainless steel, and Acrylic material. Different materials will present different texture so that you have to choose it based on customers preferences.
There are few effects can be added onto signboard such as LED effect, Neon tube light, and 3D Box Up letters. LED effects are available in LED back-lit, front-lit, side-lit, exposed, and light bulb so customers can choose whatever effect they want for us to proceed to this fabrication process. Signboard with one of these effects will look brilliant and more charming so that can attract more people who passing by that area. People can recognize the signboard easily even from far distance especially at night. When customers has made the decision, we can start to proceed to fabrication process.
We promise and guarantee that the letter signs will be in good quality because we use the best quality of raw material in manufacturing it. We have provide fabrication service which including computerized letter fabrication, welding, neon, beding computer routed lettering, screen printing and so on. In order to ensure the quality of signboard assurance, we have professional and experienced workers who using the advance equipment to produce your signboard. Moreover, they have many years experience in making the signboard since there are many signboards are made by them since our company has established many years ago. We promise that the signboard manufactured by us will be durable, functional, pleasing and quality assurance.
After the fabrication for the signboard has done, we do provide the installation service to assist you to install the signboard. Because the signboard is too heavy so we will send few experienced and capable workers to help in installing signboard at the location where customers needed. We also have equipment and transportation to send the signboard to that location. Thus, customers do not need to worry about the installation for the signboard. Workers of our company are skillful and competent because they has been trained by our company throughout these few years. Since our company has established many years ago, those workers have started to work in our company which means they have many years experience in installing the signboard.
No matter where your company located at, installation service will also be provided by us. We have ever installing the signboard especially at internal and external in different building such as supermarkets, multi-story office complexes, financial institution, entertainment centre, shopping mall, shop lot and so on. However, the installation of the signage at your premise could take a few hours, to half day or up to a day or two days, depending on the complexity of the job. Each signage installation jobs will vary from different premise to another. Therefore, if you are rushing to have a open ceremony for your new start up company, you should order the signboard early from us in order to avoid installation of signboard take too long time and cannot be done before your open ceremony of company.
For shop lots on ground floor, a ladder can be used to install. However, a sky-lift may be needed if the installation has to be done above 20ft, or there is an balcony or any other objects blocking. These inspections will be advised before installation is done. Shopping Malls or Business centers are places that need permits from the management and each of them have their own rules & regulations. Hence clients are advised to get management advice for time of installation & their procedures. The time of installation can be either day time or night time. However there will be minimal costing differences for day time or night time. We will considerate with your timing of installation as we have come across many business owners who want to install their signboards or signage at a particular Feng Shui time. You are welcomed to inform us the exact time you need us to be there and will be gladly cooperate with you. We will do our best to provide superior service to satisfy our customers needs and requirement.
We are providing maintenance service for your signboard if there is some problem like LED or Neon tube light of the signboard not functioning well. This is kind of after sales service that provided by our company. Because the signboard is too heavy so we will send few experienced and capable workers to help to uninstall the signboard. After that we will check see whether what kind of problem of the signboard. We also have capable technical in checking and repairing the signboard. Since our company has established many years ago, those workers have started to work in our company which means they have many years experience in installing the signboard. They has been trained by our company throughout these few years so that they are skillful and expert in repairing the signboard.
Besides, maintenance service of signboard will be provided by us no matter where your company located at since it is after sales service that should be provided by us. A ladder can be used to uninstall the signboard for shop lots or company on ground floor, However, a sky-lift may be needed if the dismantle service for the purpose of signboard maintenance has to be done above 20ft from floor, or there is an balcony or any other objects blocking. Clients are advised to get management advice for time of dismantle service of signboard otherwise will break some rule and regulations which set by government. We will considerate with your timing of dismantle signboard as we have come across many business owners who want to install or uninstall their signboards or signage at a particular Feng Shui time.
Maintenance service is not an easy job so that we might take few workings days to repair and find your signboard problem in case the signboard is not functioning well. We will provide whatever service you want since we value our customers as well as their perspective towards our company. You are welcomed to inform us the exact time you need us to be there and will be gladly cooperate with you. We will do our best to provide superior service to satisfy our customers needs and requirement. Please do hesitate to contact us or email us if you need after sales service from us!
Kuala Lumpur Signboard Company